
Wait... You mean to tell me that other programming languages that aren't python exist?!?!

Fucking blasphemy!!!

  • 8
    @irene the book lists some languages and every single article or tutorial on compilers and interpreters is written in python, sort of me venting because I fucking hate python .-.
  • 7
    @irene I don't know exactly, just the syntax, code style and just a few other things really annoy me.

    I understand it had its uses but it's just such a backwards and strange language to me
  • 3
    @irene *left eye twitches violently*
  • 0
    @Hubot-0x58 I'm not full on stuck into it yet but it does seem to be really informative, but after hearing so many great things about it I'm just going to say yes
  • 0
    @irene that sounds nice and all if all those statements and operators had some grouping or seperations to it. Like a fucken semicolon or a bracket or some structure.
  • 0
    @Haxk20 *child like glee*

    I'm not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1
    @lxmcf Why in the name of everything decent would anyone write a compiler in freaking python?!
  • 0
    @Root it's great for showing the logic of something without getting bogged down with details like memory management etc. Production grade compiler, no. (Having said that, Python-LLVM is a great combination for writing tools).

    @lxmcf would heartily recommend you learn a functional programming language like Haskell or OCaml, they're great for compiler writing and have quite a few resources for that too.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 those words were almost poetic...
  • 0
    It's ok @irene we won't change how we feel about you even though you like python

    * Waits till you turn around and gestures towards @Haxk20 *
  • 1
    @lxmcf oh you're one of those guys ๐Ÿ˜‚ I really found Python to be a hit or miss, some devs I know love it, others hate it. No real reason behind it, it's just the feel of the language I guess. I am one of those who love it, but the person who taught me the basics hates it...

    Our conversations went like this:
    Guy: "okay so to do this you gotta write that, which is quite stupid..."
    Me: "wait that's actually pretty awesome to do it that way"
    Guy: ๐Ÿคจ
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