
Has anyone else watched Silicon Valley?

I just finished it and I really liked it.

  • 3
    I have every episode downloaded lol
  • 6
    The Hotdog app still cracks me up, good one!
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    I actually haven't. Seems pretty nice. Perhaps I should give it a shot
  • 6
    Tab vs spaces was the killer for me 😂
  • 3
    3 seasons were pretty good, 4th was awful i think..
    5th season won’t be here by 2020
  • 2
    No i haven’t can’t get it on Amazon prime vid. watched mr robot though which was excellent until it turned to shit.
  • 2
    @thestR- the 5th is already out. The 6th is coming next year.
  • 1
    Yes! I loved it too!
  • 0
    @thestR- 5 is out, 6 is not
  • 4
    Literally anything that came out of Gilfoyle’s mouth cracked me up
  • 4
    @Chubak me too.. i cant believe i get all the geek jokes in this series.. that hotdog app lead to my journey in image recognition too, which somehow drag me into machine learning courses.. 😂

    So much to enjoy in this series!

    Gilfoy hacking the smart fridge, dinesh with his “code-gay” crush over some java methods, then gilfoy asked if he would like to masturbate to a subroutine he just wrote.. wtf! I laugh hard on that one!

    And the highest voted gavin belson logo! Hahahah
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    @620hun ok then my mistake, 5th sucked then 😂
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    @pai-shinoda yes oml. The jokes aren’t really cringe or anything either. Like usually medical shows blow stuff way out of proportion or are very inaccurate, while the only really inaccurate thing in the show is just the code written on the monitors.

    Also when they’re fighting to keep the livestream up and complimenting everything they’ve done while that guys suffering was hilarious
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    @Bubbles exactly! The only time i see he’s weak is when they collaborate with that AI company.. basilisk risks give the crap out of him.. 😂😂

    Oh man i cant forget his attemp on pitching the cryptocoin ideas.. “a lot of effort has been into this presentation”, which only full of wisdom. 😂
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    @pai-shinoda yes oml by far my favorite character
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    For those who like to pay visit to the past, try watch “Valley of The Boom”.

    Early internet age, Netscape, DotCom..etc
  • 3
    I really enjoyed all series. My favourite is Russ Hanneman. The guy is a total douche, but he’s right about most things he says 😂
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    @Frederick they're supposed to start filming season 6, but I was reading an article and supposedly Mike Judge is ready to end it.
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    @Bubbles “I’m going to shove you up their assholes”
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    Why so late to the party
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    "Oh man. I wanna know what kind of fucked up childhood this guy had."
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    “..my team spent months to unfuck everything he did..”


    Best new word added to my dictionary..
  • 1
    Suck it jian yang
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