
Server configuration file formats...

some use custom text file
some use ini files,
some use xml..
some use json..
some use yaml..
some use toml..

How many file formats I need to learn!!!

  • 6
    You forgot scriptable configurations like
    Lua, Posix-Shell, Python, JS...
  • 1
    Bin as in binary format?
  • 0
    @joas yep. Not necessarily ".bin", but it's still a binary format. Games do that pretty often, especially Game Maker/RPG Maker games. (RPG Maker games have a text buffer in their saves, for... some reason.)
  • 1
    Learning never ends in our line of work. You must never settle. If you settle, somebody from behind is chasing and trying to get your spot. So every new year your appetite should go up. You gotta set new goals new benchmarks! Boom lock down! 🔥 💪 side effect of watching lots of Eric Thomas videos on YouTube
  • 0
    JSON is valid YAML. You can cross YAML out.
  • 1
    @620hun YAML is a superset of JSON - a YAML parser can understand JSON, but not necessarily the other way around :)
  • 0
    @ajit555 that’s what I said. If you already know JSON there’s no need to learn YAML because JSON is valid YAML.
  • 1
    @620hun so we need to cross out json, right?
  • 0
    @ajit555 You wrote a list of things you need to learn. My point is that once you learn JSON there’s no real need to learn YAML because JSON is valid YAML. You cross YAML out.
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