Am I the last one here late to the party? Just try out and impressed by VSCode and this is my thoughts about the editors:

- I have been loyal to Sublime Text for like 5+ years, cannot complain much.
- Notepad++ was my first love, but absent on Linux so got to say goodbye.
- VSCode is the latest I try out and very rare one I could spend a couple of hours to dive into its settings to make it easier to use. The extensions are impressive!
- Atom, Bracket, and those blabla of their kind are bullshit.
- Jetbrains products are heavy ass, I can't even take a note!
- Vim is great too, but it's not the thing that I can just "open up and start typing".
- Have no idea about Emacs, but supposedly it's nowhere near its UI-friendly brothers, so I give no patience.

  • 13
    waiting for frodoswaggins to tell you that vim is the best...
  • 11
    @ShotgunSurgeon oh I'll beat him to it, vim's the best you just need to ruin your productivity to learn it for a couple of months.
  • 2
    @ShotgunSurgeon @erandria
    True, unless it’s your job to ssh all the time, I don’t see why you need to use vim while there’re some other good editors out there
  • 1
    Sublime still feels faster than vs code tbh also cant see anything vs code can do that sublime cant, cant get myself to switch.
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode their performance is nowhere close to vim or sublime
    They could have some nice built in features that vim or sublime doesn’t have in the clean installation, but those could be achieved from plugins
  • 1
    @AymanH I believe sublime is faster, vscode is also a memory greedy fat ass but its indexing is the worthy return. Sublime’s indexing is not as good as vscode’s, and debugging on vscode proved to be a lot easier.
  • 3
    @buitrung I don't code in ssh envs that often (even though I can replicate my dev environment in any machine, take that IDE and source code editors) (jk, i mean true but, i like vscode and sublime too)

    Doing vim is like having superpowers. Watch an actual pro at vim and I think it's not crazy to feel a bit jealous.
    Like emacs, but less compromising IMO.

    Sublime actually faster than Vim is funny but true
  • 0
    @AymanH normal out of the box terminal support for example
  • 0
    Check out micro tho
  • 2
    @ganjaman i will
  • 0
    Gotta say I've been using VS code for about a year now and I love it. Endlessly customizable. Light and fast.
  • 1
    vim users should try kakoune, long time vim user here, using kakoune for some months and loving it
  • 0
    Vscode+vscode terminal+tmux = 100% focus on deliverables
  • 0
    all this talk about either vim or other IDE when it's perfectly possible to use vim mode with any of these IDEs. porque no los dos?
  • 0
    @iamavalos true but there are times a good visual IDE is better than raw Vi. especially around file open and search in all files
  • 0
    @iamavalos it’s magic LOL
    i3 + macOS wallpaper, with vscode somehow overrides i3 window border style
  • 2
    @buitrung you can still use VSCode through ssh. They're an rmate-based plugin that allows you to edit files on VSCode directly from a remote server (no scp or back-and-forth transfering), by simply forwarding a port and calling it like any other editor ('rmate file.txt')
  • 1
    ... waited long enough. I summon @FrodoSwaggins
  • 1
    @endor gotta try this
  • 1


    (First link shows how to customize the .ssh/config file to automatically do the port forwarding, while the second link shows how to customize the port settings on the VSCode side)
  • 0
    @buitrung you will be happy with vscode trust me. The next one is PHPStorm 😎
  • 1
    @Devnergy I did try phpstorm and quitted. The starting time was enough to have a cup of coffee 😂
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins I'm sorry, that statement I did is very incomplete and wrong, but based on something true.

    There was a post I can't find right now comparing time for opening a big file and being ready of most popular editors, and sublime was faster than vim in that test.
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins tbh, I have not much time using vim due to its steep learning curve, basicly that’s what I mean in above statement: hard to use for beginner.
    Btw, I’m trying vim, and would like to know can I have vim with ligatures font (terminal vim, neither neovim nor gvim)
  • 0
    @AymanH "can't see anything that vscode can do but sublime can't"
    Have you checked vscode's intellisense on C/C++ Projects ?
    Please show me any sublime plugins that can provide similar, or even close, level of smart code completion :|
  • 0
    Love vs code, i wish I started sooner
  • 1
    elementary Code?
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