
Whomever at Apple decided that a non-upgradable 8Gb of RAM was OK for a model they call "Pro" can go jump in the nearest active volcano right now!

  • 13
    'non-upgradable' is always a skill and time question...

    But yeah I agree
  • 4
    Haha, true story. If I bought it would be only myself to blame but it's the machines the company want us to use so probably shouldn't take a soldering iron to their hardware. Though there are some days...
  • 5
    If no volcanos are available due to a massive and sudden queuing-for-the-death-jump, a quick hack is to just jump from the highest floor of your building. It will suffice too.
  • 5
    Non- upfradeable seems to be the new standard.
    The Lenovo X1 has also soldered ram.
    I think it is to have smaller form factor, maybe faster access?
    Or just corporate greed.
  • 2
    @oreru 2017... The specs aren't horrible but my 2011 MBP at home with 16 gigs running Linux does not feel as slow as this. The new ones are at least half the weight though too I guess
  • 0
    @mundo03 all of the above
  • 4
    Apple and Pro.. you see the mistake?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop it wasn’t always that way
  • 5
    @jeeper yeah I remember last year, they discovered a professional Apple machine in an ancient Egyptian tomb of a programmer - along with a Nokia 3310 whose battery was still at 50%.
  • 1
    The 8 manages just fine on my MBP but in retrospect I should have gone for the 16 just for some leeway.

    Luckily the SSD offers a pretty decent swap, and OSXs memory management including their compression etc is pretty good too.

    I understand the desire for upgradeability, but on the other hand, y’know what you’re getting when you buy it 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @jeeper true story...
  • 0
    5 GB of swap
  • 1
    @mundo03 yes... The ram from my ThinkPad X1 Carbon is broken so now I can buy a new notebook 🙃
  • 0
    @RustyCookie I wish... Apparently I have the best the company will spend on for now. The downside of developing for a company whose main focus isn't dev :/
  • 0
    Most companies have gone from solving the customers problem to solving their problems... Apples problem is how to sell more devices. That's why they discontinued the old mac pros, as they where basically just desktops, you could upgrade.
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