unpopular opinion: vim is very easy to exit

  • 5
    It is, you just have to know how
  • 7
    VIM seems to be a really awful tool, everyone just wants to exit it all the time.

    Better try Emacs, I start my Emacs and exit it only if I want to shut down the computer.
  • 3
    It's true. People are making such a fuss around it and it's getting annoying.
  • 2
    I never understood it. it says right on the welcome prompt how to quit!

    "but if you open a file, then you don't see the welcome!"

    why are you opening files with tools you aren't familiar with?!?! and if you aren't familiar, then read the man page. it makes like 29 references to :help. once you realize that's important, and you can type ":help anything", try ":help quit" which brings you to ":quit" or :q for short.

    seems logical.
  • 2
    @deadPix3l @rantsauce you guys fucking get it
  • 0
    @oreru well then define your commit messages with "-m"? or set EDITOR. or read the man page and continue on as described. I fail to see the problem lol

    more than anything, I don't understand "getting stuck" in some tool. even if you don't know how to get out of it, and the man page doesn't exist, and stack overflow is down, and there's literally no way to find out how to exit... switch to tty2. "pkill -9 vim" switch back. and you're free! ^Z or ^C will probably work as well unless they are being trapped. but kill -9 will always work.
  • 0
    @oreru nano sucks donkey balls
  • 0
    @oreru I can see your point. kinda. BUT if you're programming or using git, you should at least be a tiny bit familiar with vi(m). if for no other reason than it's installed on every *nix ever by default. and I don't see it as an elitist tool. sure, some of the users are elitist, but it's default in git because a) it's almost garenteed to be there and b) it's super powerful. more powerful than nano will ever be.

    as for layusers who use git: I don't understand. either they are programming Ina. terminal with vim/emacs (if they program in nano we don't care about them anyways) and thus command line git makes sense, or they don't. they use an IDE (atom, vscode, sublime, intelliJ, etc) and it certainly has a git plugin. using a graphical text editor, and a CLI VCS sounds like a bad workflow.

    my point really is if you're on Linux, or use a CLI at all, you should become familiar with vim. at least enough to get in, write a file, and get out. it's a skill you will need eventually.
  • 1
    Popular option: vim is somewhat easy to handle for a medicore dev/admin and everything else is a dead meme
  • 1
    @ddephor vrexit hehe
  • 0
    @kgbemployee also easy.
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