

I asked for Razer blade 15 base model for work purpose, considering about Ethernet port and all... Then my boss ordered 2TB option. Should I have asked for advanced model from the start? 😕

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    @irene I’ll tag u when I receive it in one or two weeks time 🤩 can’t wait tho.
  • 4
    @irene ohhh... Yeaaaa, it’s TOTALLY for education purpose only 😉
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    @irene exactly what i thought 😂😂😂
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    @wowotek @irene but in my defence, it’s has the most clean and minimalistic design for the ones in their range. :D
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    @irene oh yes, my hand can't compensate any anti-ergonomics laptops. I can't move on from older version of thinkpad
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    @irene i use PC, but i am a strict person when finding a laptops.
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    @irene @wowotek sorry, was in crowded train. of course I’ll look at those first. But because of the work nature, can only choose laptop for now, mainly for portability. Also, personally I don’t like shiny finishes, so design is somewhat important for me too (ahahahah~). Actually, I don’t even need a new one. Using dell now. But since boss is generous, might as well choose razer 🙈 shall I ask for advance now? Tempting, after knowing he doesn’t mind spending a couple more.
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    @irene oh, not on the go. More like we have to present the project quite often, and thus portability. Also can bring home and w o r k, cuz of portability. 🌚
    And part of the main reason is cuz I’ll never be able to justify a reason to buy a razor for my personal usage. 🙈 (one of my dreams is to build custom pc one day as well)
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    blinky blinky slim and speedy = razer
    solid, ergonomic, well thought through device for work = lenovo

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    @beggarboy hmm... razer does have better trackpad tho 🤔
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