I fucking hate online editors for recruitment challanges!!

2 fucking hours I spend on developing a architectural problem but nothing came up on stdout!!

Why? Because the runtime added some functions to HELP me with stdin and stdouts. They were being called by the driverscripts and reading everything up beforehand!!
I was reading empty stdin from there!!!

Worst part is the code was kept at the last of the editor space hidden as a gray shade with no indication that there was code minimized.
After fucking my brain so long, realised the issue when I had 2 mins left!
Ended up with a compilation error while hurrying to change!!
I hate the hackerrank platform!!🤬🤬🤬😡🤯

  • 0
    Sometimes they also run in like 20 seconds and fail due to timeout when the same code runs in less than a second locally.

    I feel you.
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