
For all you Googlefags, "Serious Chrome zero-day – Google says update right this minute":

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    Here before the tin foil hats start autistically screeching about "ChRoMe SuCkS" and "My RaM" or "FiReFoX iS bEtTeR" lol
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    @Stuxnet Nah. I personally prefer Lynx.
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    @Root @FrodoSwaggins Smh the audacity of you to just ignore the obviously superior browser.... IE.
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    @FrodoSwaggins 😂
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    @FrodoSwaggins Ah ok understandable then, I'll wait.
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    Can’t believe people get paid to write something like this...
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    @austudo I don't know. maybe people are worried their information might one day get hacked or something.
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    @austudo what about data leaks?
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    @austudo You're telling me I was forced to make a Google+ account in the past by a machine?
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    "In other words, zero days, often written as 0-days..." this writer is stretching his word count as if he writes a report for college
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    @SandervDoorn yeah maybe it was not the best article to share. There's much shorter ones that do a better job of explaining it:
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    @austudo Google users lol. Why would someone not want to use the services of a company integrated within the illegal PRISM mass surveillance network. And why wouldn't they want to use services which you can't easily opt out of, right?
    And why would someone want control over their data?! That sounds insane.
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    @austudo God I love it when my phone suggests things and shows ads based on verbal conversations I've had with people in its presence.

    I also love that these conversations are recorded and saved forever as "training data" -- and shared with the NSA, of course. They're there to protect us from ourselves, after all. They know what's best.

    What a wonderful world!
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    @Root It's great bc it saves me the time of one Google search once to get ads for a week straight
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    Is the vuln inside the Chrome engine or in Chrome itself? Makes a huge difference if all chrome based browsers are affected.
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