
How effective is to have my own webpage where I can show my portfolio for the company recruiters?

Do they really take the time to see the page?

If positive, what host do you recommend?

I'm not in the web dev environment btw, so it's not that obvious.

  • 5
    A simple html? Github can do that, they can also see all your past projects
  • 8
    Slap some analytics on the page and wait 2 weeks. Then send out your resume and compare the analytics results.
  • 2
    @steaksauce ooh I actually like this idea, github didn’t show it?
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    @devTea not sure if github shows it. I was just throwing out a suggestion 😄
  • 4
    Github pages would be an easy setup,
    It’s a click of a button.

    just add analytics and watch the traffic peaks.
  • 5
    - Webpage portfolio is a nice way to show your work “visually” .. especially if you are a front end developer. Its also, something to put on your business card and tell people to visit. Also, add contact form and analytics to see the traffic.

    - Github is to show your coding skills, clean code, logic .. etc. recruiters might not care much about it but the technical guys will do.

    — websites brings more clients than recruiters.
  • 1
    I like having a portfolio where I show off all my stuff in a way that's useful for fellow tech bros, but also interesting for others (lots of pictures! 😋).
    That way if anyone asks what you do, or if they could see some of your work; you can just link your portfolio. 😄

    I'm currently working on my own portfolio website on the weekends, the new `.dev` domain extension is really useful for programmer's portfolios. 😊
  • 1
    I never thought to put analytics to static portofolio site, worth a try
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    I have a website too but without analytics, I'll try it out! 😁
  • 2
    You should invest in a good LinkedIn and GitHub profile first of all. You can always create a website later if you need it, but if you are on those 2 platforms you're easier to discover for recruiters.
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    I work with my company's recruiters often, and I think a quality LinkedIn profile has the highest ROI. Maybe that profile has a link to your site?
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    @devTea GitHub seems like a great idea, will give it a try and if something more tailored for my needs it's needed k think I'll go with a .dev page.
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    @Nanos what if those 10 seconds are on a webpage? Instead of an actual resume 🤠
  • 1
    @rabcoon depends on the situation but in general nobody's going to take the effort to familiarise themselves with your profile if your don't catch their eye immediately. Recruiters/HR/etc. probably have to go through tons of profiles daily (imagine the fatigue that causes), so it's always a good idea to create a great impression as fast as possible. Within a few seconds if you can. I would also recommend avoiding slow animations/frills/unnecessary colour/fancy but unreadable fonts etc. Also make it easy to navigate and find important info.

    Basically, design your page for someone in a tearing hurry, something that calls for least effort from them and maximum impact of your profile.
  • 0
    @rabcoon a .dev domain is a fairly new thing may scare off/confuse non-techy recruiters. I'd recommend against it because of this, as well as because .dev a TLD controlled by Google - which brings its own complications should Google ever turn against you.

    I would personally go either with a .com/.net/.org domain, or whatever your country's TLD is.
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    @Nanos are you saying xX_WebDeveloper_Xx@gmail.com isn't professional?

    In all seriousness though I agree, .com does seem more professional, or any common root domain like .nl or .be.

    Regardless I do think that a .dev domain can be useful for developers to show their portfolio/projects to other developers. I just make sure to add https:// to all the links that I send to people so that the link is clickable and the other person understands that it is a website.

    I guess it depends on who your intended audience is 🤔
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