It's just sick how managers boast about how their programmers aren't getting sleep enough/at all due to nonstop coding.

That's not actually something to be proud of, CAUSE IT SHOWS HOW INEFFICIENT YOU ARE AT, I don't know... MANAGING?

  • 4
    So don't reward them by staying there if there is any other option (there usually is).
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    I just beg all my friends here to read this book from Matthew Walker- Why We Sleep. Not only you should not excessive hours for someone else, you also shall not do it for yourself. Lack or even disruption of sleep destroys mind and body.

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    Even the fact that we reached a point as a society where we have to be reminded that sleep, exercise etc are good for you is so sad. It’s basically common sense even without reading the book (I’m not saying people shouldn’t read this book lol).

    I will stay late at work and work long hours if something is very urgent and never few days in a row.

    If you can’t respect your self how the hell do you expect anyone else to respect you can I get an AMEN 😭😭
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    @Maer not really my company but dev team of other companies were planning to work with.

    It's just weird that I know they're trying to impress us by saying they're coding no sleep but honestly, it's off-putting. Like, yes, of course we would love to work with people who haven't slept for days running on caffeine cause that will make them more alert and wise! You're absolutely right!
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