Any morning routine to prepare your brain to work?

  • 7
    Waking up, every damn day...
  • 10
    Go to sleep and wake up at the same time. Take a shower in the morning. Eat something so that your blood sugar wouldnt be low, but make sure that its fat based (for example bacon and eggs) because otherwise if you eat something high in carbs then it will cause blood sugar spikes/crashes
  • 7
    a cup of cappuccino
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    Think of all the things you wanted to accomplish and (yet another) chance you are getting today.

    On a lighter note, I've seen masturbation works very well, too
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    @asgs Masturbation just triggers anxiety, increases cortisol and then u will be anxious/neurotic for the rest of the day and also you might experience brainfog. It makes you responsive, but what you want is clear and sharp mind.
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    @rutee07 Fap gives a momentarily relief and thats all. Think about why you get so anxious in the first place.
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    @zemaitis to be honest, it makes me less anxious. It lifts some pressure off and makes me focus
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    Idk, fap = falling back to sleep and waking up content for one second until you realize you fucked up
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    Smoke crack
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    @ganjaman I would like to hire you as my advisor. You will get payed in crack. First paycheck in advance.
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    @M1sf3t ion clock in chief 🤙
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    Thanks for the numerous answers. I will try some of them
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    Be up, but actually awake after 2-3 hours.
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    What's your why? You gotta go deep
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    @zemaitis orgasms reduce stress/anxiety and work as natural painkiller. If you get anxious afterwards that’s not normal and should be reported to your doctor.
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    Fatty foods are good, but I’m also having success eating carbs and exercising straight afterwards. Carbs get me pumped and the exercise boots my head up.
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    Just having a routine.

    If I get off my routine, it all goes to hell in a ham basket.
  • 4
    I suggest you to ignore the "fap" advices... I mean they might work, but not for me at least. From my point of view, fapping first thing in the morning raises the short-term threshold of "I'm enjoying doing this". Working/studying after fapping will feel less "interesting" and your brain may refuse to focus. It varies from person to person, so don't take what I said as objective truth. I personally like to dedicate 15 minutes to some exercises after waking up. Rope jumping(don't need a rope), push-ups, pull-ups, that's it. I've been doing it for months and I can't have breakfast without doing some exercise first, my brain refuses.
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    @Chrupiter Usually what morning fapsters do is pumping theirselves with caffeine in order to trigger fight or flight response, and then somehow they manage to get some shit done.

    However this solution is not sustainable and might result with long term effects
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