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    LinkedIn is the new Google+
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    @sunfishcc not that obsolete
  • 4
    It is truly morphing from a serious and professional platform into something very narcistic with people showing off their latest ‘achievement, their new office, that ever so interesting convention they are attending (and off course have to share a selfy as well, or how ‘proud’ they are they have new colleagues.

    And of course don't forget all the likes and comments like 'well done' just to be visible to whoever these people think they need to be visible to and to show off how 'committed' they are.

    As a platform LinkedIn is rapidly loosing all it's credibility.
  • 1
    @Hansz actually show off is a good thing.
    Every time you see a guy updated huge amount of achievements and certificates, he probably have to find another job soon😏
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    @sunfishcc Agreed, but there is a difference between adding your (new) certificates etc to your profile and 'broadcasting' it to the world.
  • 0
    @Hansz unless you’re an entrepreneur or hit and run type of guy, constantly switching projects seems unrealistic.
    I stopped pay for “certification” long times ago.
    Audit seems good enough for me.
    Some people even consider certificates are just too lazy to start your own project.
    I don’t think HR really cares about all these pay to win certs.
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