Why do most docs have grey text color over a white background! It's just incredibly difficult to focus on. And my brain is like a potato to begin with.

  • 5
    Because that's a cheap way for incompetent designers to achieve a "clean" look, sacrificing legibility.

    Another option for idiot designers is to tuck away shit and sacrifice discoverability - think hamburger menus on desktop.
  • 4
    @rutee07 true, too much contrast can also suck. Just following the WCAG 2.1 guidelines on contrast solves the problem. Not only that visually impaired people benefit, also regular users who aren't 20-somethings with laser eyes anymore.

    https://webaim.org/resources/... is useful for manual checks, and https://wave.webaim.org/ can even check a live webpage.
  • 0
    It is harder to read full black on white, the contrast hurts over time
  • 0
    @Nanos I keep the same setting across the day, only the blue light filter comes in at some point.

    Also, why change my setting when the standard is always grey over white?
    Note is has to be a very dark gray, someone pointer out that already.

    I think it is very assholey to ask your users to change settings because of your own bad design.
    Things are meant to be tweaked once, then leave it as it is.
  • 0
    @Nanos in "app" settings are nice indeed.
    But asking to change system settings because of crappy design is bad.

    So yeah, seems we got to a happy middle ,:D
  • 0
    @Nanos like the way ddg does it.
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