
Just had my year 1 review.
They love what I've done so far, exceeded every expectation. But the salary will be looked at 6 months from now. It's already awful enough at work.

About time to look for something new in case they take the piss out of me in 6 months.

  • 2
    That's exactly what happened to me, ended up getting a handsome increase... Be patient
  • 0
    @MrCSharp it hurts, mate. So much.
  • 1
    @MrCSharp how frequently do they raise your salary?
    I work for small company, I like to know the norm
  • 1
    In my experience, a pay review that is promised for the future is a pay review that is never going to materialise. But to be fair, I am a cynical old git.
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