Stardew Valley on 2 screens.

  • 7
    That hotbar must be splitty split split
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  • 2
    I'm still salty that they require second Nintendo Switch to play coop, even couch. Is it really so hard to restrict two players on single console to one zone at a time?
  • 5
    @Agred I agree that splitscreen would be nice, but the cost to benfit thing is out of whack with it these days. It's a big development cost to make your game run twice in the same instance, often requiring an entire rewrite of the rendering system, and that's only beneficial if you want to play with someone in your household (usually somewhere from 1-4 people).

    Online multiplayer lets you play with anyone in the world (a couple billion people) and requires some netcode, for sure, but it's possible that the game was already written using a proxy system where a network proxy could be implemented quite easily.

    So yes, I agree, splitscreen would be splendid. But it isn't splendid enough for game developers to actually follow through with, unfortunately.

    *fucked up Joker meme* We live in a development environment...
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm Nice, but isn't that annoying?
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