
-OS lecture
Sir asked us to play quiz (kahoot app)
If this isn't stupid enough, the questions he asked were like:
What is the meaning of cc in email? -_-
To make things worse, he writes scheduling programs on board by looking at his notebook :/

  • 6
    I open 4 tabs when I play kahoot for maximum kahootness
  • 4
    Don't you ever disrespect kahoot like that again. 😂😂

    I've almost gotten in a literal fight over a kahoot game before.

    (My high school was small, so there were usually the same 20 people or so taking the same AP [college level] classes. We were all really competitive and loved to one up each other. Kahoot was a fun time in class with us.)
  • 2
    I'm not disrespecting kahoot 😂 it's the wrong use that irritates me.
  • 1
    @readev Ok was going to get ready to go throw hands with you 😂😂

    Stupid questions like that in "HiGh LeVeL iT" classes piss me off too.

    What the fuck does that even have to do with OS's? 😐
  • 1
    @Stuxnet phew 😅😂
    Exactly! But if we're in for one piece of paper, I think dealing with it is our only choice 😐
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