
Lately in school...
A teacher of mine tried to put an HDMI Cable into an USB-A Port. How can you screw up something like this? It's as simple as a geometric puzzle like the one in the picture. Apology for my grammar mistakes.

  • 2
    Puzzle looks pretty tasty tbh.

    Welcome to devRant, good quality first post as well. Grammar is fine, don't worry, compared to most joke/meme posts this is something straight out of NASA 😊
  • 4
    I once had a laptop with a 2-in-1 eSATA+USB port.
    The first time it took me quite a while to stick a USB device into that thing.
  • 1
    @deadlyRants That reminds me. One time I inserted the USB cable/connector upside down, killing my laptop. Dunno how it happened, I just mashed it in there. It just powered down and wouldn't start. Some kind of short circuit? Had to take it apart and remove/add the battery for it to work again, like nothing ever happened... I was so relieved when it booted again 😅
  • 1
    @ihatecomputers I know that feeling. I once plugged in the miniDisplayPort cable the wrong way and wondered why there was no signal. It didn't kill anything, but to this day I have no idea how I managed to do that.
  • 1
    I once managed to insert my Headset into the USB Port (they are next to each other and I didn't take a look at it) and my laptop turned off. Everything was still working tho
  • 0
    And that’s one of the reasons that we have USB-C now. For everything. And with reversible plug it’s even more idiotproof.
  • 0
    @mlask Nothing will ever be idiot proof.
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