
I've been asked to write a job ad for a frontend developer, as I have never don that, what would you write in there? And what are usual salaries for frontend devs? Also what would you ask them in an interview? What kind of coding challenges would you give them? Also we're not looking for a "code monkey" only but that person should also be responsible for jow everything looks (like the design and UI/UX of the site). How would you call that position? I've for now put "Frontend UI/UX Web-Developer" there.

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    Enquire for someone with an eye for detail. Must have a good understanding of how the front end has transformed in the past and how the future of web development looks like. Since UX is critical, then domain driven design would be essential in understanding of the clients and how well the software can map the same to it's processes and fast adoption of the system
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    The types of coding challenge would be to give a design flow to test UX and organisation of design elements in a way that intrigues the users
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