
Got reminded of this a bit ago.
When I was in high school years ago, there was some bug with youtube not working on chrome. The source of that bug was identified by a guy a grade above me, who not only reported that, but also how to fix it.
Naturally, google was like "holy shit, we gotta get this guy" and offered him a full ride scholarship and a guaranteed job when he got out.
He now works at a comic shop with no plans of using that scholarship.

  • 0
    You sure he wasn't lying about the offer? I find it hard to believe that Google (or most major companies) would offer a full scholarship and job to someone for just finding a bug fix for one of their sites.
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    @nathanasius It wasn't with youtube, it was with chrome itself. He dug into the browser code to find it.
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    @jysk131 Definitely a bit more complicated, but there are tons of people contributing to Chromium. Do they offer every contributor a job? Very strange to say the least.
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    @irene I agree, but not using any of his talent is a waste imo. He didn't just do web stuff. He reprogrammed a calculator to use C and brought it to state tests. Intentionally got some wrong on the math section to avoid being brought in under supervision, but I don't even know what's involved in remaking a graphing calculator in a new language today.
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    @nathanasius Perhaps it was the speed. It was like a day. Been about 6 years though, so I can't recall all the details.
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    @nathanasius pretty sure they do offer big contributor jobs. If not they'd be stupid
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    @musician yes, of course. But jobs and a full scholarship through college for one contribution?
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