
Everybody loves Python, but every documentation about a library is ***** (not good) or I am to dumb to understand? ( for example Pillow Tkinter)

  • 0
    I love Python, but I agree. I found SO a better resource.
  • 1
    Tkinter is confusing asf to me
  • 2
    python and GUIs, oh my god. actually any language and GUIs.

    Thankfully python devs are lazy, so pySimpleGUI is a thing.
  • 1
    The worst documentation is by far discord.py never again
  • 0
    Yeah pretty much... Documentation for OpenCV is bullshit as well
  • 0
    Tkinter is not a best example for overall docs quality, tkinter is old shit and should not be used anymore.
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    @Bubbles It is okay. You have to get the basics down, but once you know the structure, it has loads of information.. As long as google doesnt give you the japanese version..
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    @gitreflog I’m not touching that again I’m just gonna use the official API
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