Do you think Project Managers should know what source control is and have a basic understanding of its concepts?

Do you think this will help them do a better job?

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    I don't see how such knowledge would have impact on what they do.
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    Agree with @Jilano Lets take an example from development:
    1. I want to write a mobile app for Android
    2. I don't know what android is other than its an OS for smartphones.

    Do you think my decisions will lead me to success? I'd be choosing the language I want, the IDE I want, and the SDKs I want to make that app but whats the result? If I'm lucky it results with an APK assuming I chose Java, Android SDK and whatever IDE but will the app perform as expected or will it be an awful failure?

    But what are the odds that I'd choose the correct tools if I don't know anything about Android other than its an OS.

    Same thing for management, not knowing what their employees do will lead them to make mistakes in managing their efforts.
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    @gitpush I agree that people who decide on technology stack should have some technical knowledge, but question was about PM learning source control concepts. AFAIK PM does not decide what language and so on gets used for project.
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    Then you will have the opposite side, project managers just throwing buzzwords.
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    I work in a company that recently transitioned from TFS (Microsofts version control) to Git.

    The managers knew nothing about Git and its benefits. For that reason, we had a minor presentation just showing the concepts such as branches, pull request + other collaboration techniques.

    This opened their eyes, and made the transition smoother.

    So if someone within your team is not aware of something, show them a presentation or teach them.

    To answer your question, yes they'll do a better job if they have some awareness.
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    @Jilano mate, that's the perfect way to put it 🤘
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    @colaguy planning on doing a similar thing. Let's see if it is gonna improve their work.
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