
Developer vs non developer interview:

Non developer:
How well do you know excel ?

How would you write spreadsheet app, what if it was cross platforms mobile application but also desktop app ?

Non developer:
Do you know how to use windows?

Do you know kubernetes, distributed systems, lambdas, cloud services and how to deploy to server farm ?

Non developer:
You know how to use printer / fax and coffee machine ?

Do you have experience in writing code for embedded devices ?

Non developer:
Do you know powerpoint ?

How well do you know javascript / html / css, are you comfortable with writing backend node.js code or electron applications ?
React native and native apps maybe ?

  • 2
    I had enough of these non developer dumb HR recruiters & their silly questions!
    On the brighter side, you can fool them easily and get a job.
  • 1
    Well you inspired me 😂

    Non developer:
    Do you have experience in conversation with technical people ?

    Do you have experience with writing chat boots, nlp, machine learning ?
    How would you write hiring chat boot ?
  • 10
    Non developer: lol i dont know much about things i dont use

    Developer: i have a god complex and i am really intolerable
  • 1
  • 2
    Somehow except the distributed computer part, I think I did them all.

    (Photo: it’s a spa for monitoring PLC for cooling store using React to build SVG dynamically, the raspberry printer station is on another page😹)
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