
Win10: your password has expired.
Me: ok *click*
Win10: oh btw I forgot which account has its password expired, so you have to write the account name
Me: ... Okay
Me: *resets password, then clicks next*
Win10: let me empty that form and let you redo everything without me showing you an error
Me: ....... Okay
Me: *same info*
Win10: sorry, can't find user "username"

Me: Ok you know what fuck off I'm restarting you
Win10: but I... *ded*


Win10: Hello Phlisg, please log in normally as usual

Me: what the fuck

Disclaimer: I use Linux, osx and windows ;)

  • 2
    @iKameo a Windows 10 free update from win 7, I guess it's a live one then :)
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