
Any problems with your boss?

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    Sooo many man....
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    Is that i have one
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    @AymanH hahahahah
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    Only problem is he likes to end his sentences with "Do you understand?" or "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

    Its constant. He must have read somewhere it conveys some kind of leadership qualities.
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    @Cesar hard disconnect between his ideas of problem tackling and how world actually looks like, I’m not trying to be cocky or anything but he’s giving me shit to fix and when I’m responding with something realistic ..... he’s like don’t be hostage of a future.......FYI I’m working in problem management so u prob can imagine
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    Nope, my boss is great, sorry.
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    Nope, only in the past
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    Joining the fine boss train
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    yes a lot
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    Not at all. Actually my 'boss' is really chill and cool. He lets the team decide almost everything, unless the decision has a big negative effect on the company. That's where he comes in to explain why we shouldn't make that decision.
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