
The programming teacher was interested in Python, so I showed him what a script we made in Java would look like in Python, and he was so impressed he is thinking about completely changing the learning plan stuff to teach Python instead of Java. Now I'm not sure if I should've done that, because I was interested in the Java stuff and things and the other classmates would probably be completely confused if we take such a turn. :S

  • 4
    Good job.
    Dont worry.
    Teacher should set course.
  • 5
    Python is popular for researchers, so school might be interested in that
  • 4
    Would change schools. I'd rather write Java than this pseudocode monstrosity
  • 2
    Java > Pyshit change my mind
  • 3
    I would like a little of variety in programming languages when I was a student. Tbh

    It's cool if he/she keeps teaching java and adds python to the teaching plan. Not dropping java completely
  • 1
    Okay so I'm new too programming and I chose python as I find it intuitive to read and write, while Java gave me more control of the what's and when's and where's still seemed daunting, when compared.

    To all you guys experienced with both, or any, why so defensive/offensive with the choice?

    I'm asking as a newb so please don't shoot me. When does someone say/decide to change a language and for what?
  • 3
    @magh81 general advice - there are many schools of thought in programming and many accompanying techniques. Procedural, object oriented, and functional programming are the general paradigms, and pointers, recursion, data structures, algorithms, persistent data structures, metaprogramming, etc. are the techniques. When you're learning I suggest you learn stuff that covers as wide a range of these as possible, while also choosing a subset and getting really good at it.

    My choices were C, C++, and Haskell, they basically cover everything and I chose to focus down on C++.

    Some stuff like C and Haskell are worth learning even if you won't use them explicitly in your work because they teach fundamentals really well.

    See what's out there and decide on your own, there isn't really a bad choice, also depends on what you're going for. imo Fundamentals are more important because you can always learn fancy stuff if you got the fundamentals down right (DS, algorithms, pointers, recursion, etc).
  • 2
    @RememberMe thank you so very much. Absolutely appreciate the advice. Now I have to research every term you mentioned. :)
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