Working on cool (and last) school project before starting my internship !

  • 15
    ah... the casual school project nuclear power plant hack. good luck 👍
  • 2
    even @Stuxnet likes that, how surprising! 😄
  • 4
    @heyheni What can I say.. I love some nuclear power plants 😍😂
  • 2
    Remote nuclear power plant?
  • 2
    There's some quite cool configs here.
    Because of some constraints (only one network interface), we had to configure our pfsense router on a stick. Was cool to take a look into that kind of infrastructure
  • 4
    Looks like some $4000 hands dirty cisco cert class 👍
  • 1
    @sunfishcc we have a networking class in first and second grade. Our teacher has all the highest certs from Cisco. In third grade, we have a security/hacking class with him.
    We learn everything for CCNA2.

    This is all part of our University, so it's included in the price
  • 1
    @AdrienNini I did my ccna with private online resource without any hands on training. N that was easy. I know people completed CCNP without any training. (Just use that Cisco router simulator thing)
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    @sunfishcc yes, I have some friends how did it that way too.

    What's cool here is that we have access to some hardware to test with and our teacher is a reference in networking and security. So it's quite cool to be able to learn from someone like him
  • 1
    @AdrienNini these topics seems only covered in diploma level here, one I’m in bachelor level, nobody seems interested in these anymore. Which is kind odd🤔
  • 2
    @sunfishcc I'm in a bachelor degree too.

    We do a lot of different things, like web development, software, networking/security, network administration, electronics, ...
  • 1
    Networking 🤢 sorry not for me ! But you have more job if im not in!
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    @jak645 I'm not a networking guy myself, it's part of a mandatory school project. I like networking but I'm not that good at it.
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    @AdrienNini the problem with network is you config all the router and switch and you plug 2 pc in it and hoooo noting append and that ... Rage me up ... Is not showing error on line 6 no default gateway or other verbose messages :/
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