
A lot of devs I meet are pretty cool but a handful, including some on here, seem to think the world revolves around them and they deserve to have the ground dusted off in front of them.

That's fucking narcissistic and you need a reality check if you're like that. It's great you're passionate about your knowledge but you're not out here taking down terries and saving children from burning buildings, like calm down with the self righteousness

Just had to get that out after one too many "how dare anyone looketh unto me unless I request it in advance" posts. Like chill out, you're not that special 🙄

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    Type A personality.
    That’s how the fucking world is made.
    People are not equal.
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    @M1sf3t dude personality A and B has nothing to do what you learned, it’s one of the simplest psychological explanation how people express themselves.
    Ones are extrovert others are introvert.
    Ones want to control others other want to be controlled.

    It doesn’t matter who you are, how rich or poor you are, how old you are, how much knowledge you have you’re born with those attributes whether you want them or not.
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    Myers Briggs is a load of it. Totally psuedoscience
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    @Hubot-0x58 I am INTP-A but I like more the color convention described in book “Surrounded by Idiots”.
    Red, green, blue and yellow.
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    Just read the criticism part of the Wikipedia article and you will see. We actually learned about this test in university as a bad example for popular pseudotests in coaching/human resource development (I studied Business Psychology).
    And assigning colors to people... come on man just think about it - human personality is far more complex than that! There's just no empirical evidence for this.

    Those guys just want to rip you off by selling a easy solution for a complex problem (judging people).
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    @Hubot-0x58 I'm pretty familiar with Carl Jung, he's legitimate. The test however, while stemming from something reasonable, attempts to classify personality "types". Human psychology and behaviorism isn't categorical like that, it doesn't make sense. Personality is also maleable and can shift over time due to environment.
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    @Hubot-0x58 they're slightly more reliable than horoscopes. I think they used to use them for career placement in high school which is a bit more than misleading, even damaging in some ways. Not a fan at all of the MB.
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    @Quack everything that human invented is sooner on later false theory because it’s subjective.
    Science is about proving that some theory is right or wrong for more or leas time. (ex. some people try to prove relativity theory for 100 years using smaller and smaller particles)

    So telling someone that something is wrong is not so simple as hey someone told me on university that earth is flat you’re wrong Magellan you can’t sail it around.
    For us earth is round by now but if you see it from very far away it’s still flat and time dimension is still so flat to people.
    We are all dumb simple fuckers who are wrong. Deal with it.
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    @vane Being in control of others or being controlled has nothing to do with being extrovert or introvert..
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    @M1sf3t well research in categorizing people as a proof o concept of individualizing emotions and digitalize part of human mind always were present in our life.
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    @M1sf3t I don’t believe it’s about AI and I think recently it’s more unethical then critical.

    Machine learning is in fact trying to make people dumb enough to increase advertising receptivity.
    Why think if you can ask Alexa.

    I see it as desire to control human nature, trying to make us behave like robots, put some global terror in right place and some ugly plans that would make world burn eventually.

    It happened before and it would happen eventually in future.
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    @M1sf3t I am more concerned about corporations then governments at this moment. Life extension, 2045 initiative, gene manipulation, young blood transfusions and biotechnology progress in general.
    Governments are slow.
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    @M1sf3t Mathematics controls everything around us :)
    Now we call this math banker, quants, AI, computers, phones, inflation but it’s still math.
    Having some background in finance I’m not interested in government at all as it is only arm of the decision made somewhere else.
    Someone just want to change some numbers.

    US decisions are simple - reduce import / export debt.

    Global decisions are also simple, keep people inside buildings.
    That’s global trend now and that’s more interesting as it aims for global human surveillance program.
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