
Really great programmer...

  • 17
    I like to automate stuff, but I prefer the use own if-else statements written with my own hands to prevent the damn things from becoming sentient...
  • 2
    Imagine being paranoid of a speaker.

    I'll agree with the smart locks and thermostats. But being afraid of a speaker is pretty wack lol 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

    "BuT mUh PrIvAcY."
  • 3
    Think of it like this. Lock pickers are to locksmithing, like hackers are to IT. Many workers in the field know how their systems can be vulnerable, and some dont. Others know and choose to use that knowledge maliciously.

    You're not safe with mechanical locks if they have keys, it might even be easier to break in compared to a well-hardened home automation system.
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    If you want to keep your data and physical access from big companies like Amazon and Google, there are homebrew solutions out there for home automation. Again, that's something youd consider when "hardening". You need to look at your threat model from all perspectives.
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    @Stuxnet that Alexa etc shit isn't a just speaker, it's also a microphone.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop Oh yeah.

    I'm so worried about Google and Amazon hearing me sing off key and call their products "fucking stupid cock sucking pieces of shit" when they don't understand my accent or give me stupid results.

    That's my worst nightmare.
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    @Stuxnet so let's recap: you think it's fine to buy shit that spies on you while it can't even fulfil it's advertised purpose? Go home, you're drunk.
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    @CaffeineNAnger Deleted my comment for a reason.

    I'm not having this fucking discussion again because it's around about the equivalency of talking to a wall for us both.

    We've made our minds up and neither are likely to change. Have a nice day or whatever.
  • 0
    @Nanos haha the door part reminds me of a Murphy's Law instance back in the days of floppy disks:

    1) You can search long and in vain on a full floppy disk.

    2) Same for an empty floppy disk.
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