
So in my current quest to become a good citizen is to offer some services or tools free of charge to people that wants it.

The ones I have today is listed here (mobile website may be fucked up, sorry)

Any ideas for tools to add to this?
My requirements is that it should be self-hostable, free software and useful.

  • 4
    Do you want to avoid hosting private data? Or is maybe limited amount fine? I'm thinking of to-do lists, so webapp and caldav server.
  • 2

    As long as the hosting cost for me is'nt enormous I can consider it. I will probably try getting something that encrypts everything so private data would'nt be accessible anyway.
  • 1
    There's always room for the ubiquitous remote address (+information, +proxies, etc) tool.
  • 0
    About, ipfs, and mailing lists are a bit tiny on mobile, other than that, all good in the hood. Nice site.
  • 2
    typo in answer 3 of https://linux.pizza/about/

    could'nt should be couldn't

    but cool idea. (It also needs a favicon - https://favicon.cc is a quick place to make one)
  • 1
    it looks pretty damn sexy
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    Yeah I kinda sucks at doing nice looking websites :P
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    I have thought about it, I will probably do it soon
  • 0
    @Linux The rest looked really slick, though! (But maybe you didn't do that yourself? ;)
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    Glad that you find it useful!

    I am participating in OperationTulip already (https://operationtulip.com) which is probable something that you would like. 50GB storage is free during the beta.

    I am also thinking about running a Matrix-server, but as I am the lone admin (with some support from my wife) I find it hard to find the time to build a reliable matrix-server for hundreds of users. So I need to find a co-admin before I can think of expanding with more advanced services first :)

    But the goal is to run services that you suggested - git (like gitea), maybe free email too.
  • 0

    Do you mind if we could talk in email, telegram or matrix about it?
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