Why is it that people that can't program always seem to think they know how long it should take you?

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    To be fair, as developers we tend to never correct them. If a manager sets a deadline for 3 weeks away and no one says "no, we can't do that". Then they're going to go on assuming building similar products only takes ~3 weeks.

    Of course, there's definitely plenty of managers that just don't care/pay attention. Or in my experience, they spent a few years as a programmer back in the 90's and think they're still one of us.
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    FYI: you're clueless about most things as well
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    Don't you know, they have surpassed mortality and receive the gift of clairvoyance.
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    @Jilano Oh, they are absolutely certain it couldn't possibly take as long as you say. If they really had no idea, I'd be perfectly comfortable with that.

    I had someone ask me if "I was finally finished" after I taught myself a new language (SimSCRIPT), and developed a model in it, in 3 weeks. The company that invented the language said it would have taken them 2 months, minimum. Yet I was "slow".
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    @ModernShoe I don't pretend to know their business as well as they do :)

    This isn't about customers not knowing how long something takes. This is about them being certain that it couldn't possibly take as long as it is.
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