
The mainland US is currently record-cold for overall, some states are as low as -70°F. 3/4 of US schools are closed. Except mine. It's -15°F here, coldest ever, and we're open. God forbid it flurries, though, then it's impossible to open the school!

My dad grew up in Alaska, so he thinks we're all pussies. Well... it's currently 37° in Anchorage, so it's warmer there than ANY mainland state!!! And we're all "pussies".


  • 3
    Where is it -70? The lowest I've seen reported is the negative twenties and thirties. I imagine the wind chill might be as low as -70 in the northern parts of Minnesota and the Dakotas, but the temperature is nowhere near that.
  • 0
    @bahua temperature = realtemp + windchillmodifier
  • 0
    @bahua also this
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