
1.) Make Linux slightly more popular on the desktops.

2.) Windows 11 is actually a Linux distro.

3.) Let JavaScript burn in hell

  • 9
    Did you mean, not enough linux-preachery ?
  • 6
    @irene can't go wrong with Linux...

    Except if you want to use Adobe software...

    Or Visual Studio...

    Or some games...
  • 4
    @irene well just because it doesn't fit you, doesn't mean it's terrible. I used it everyday for the last 3 years on my laptop and for last half of year on my desktop. While I was trying few distros on my laptop, I haven't touched the one on desktop.
    It still feels as snappy, as quick, as responsive as the day I installed it. It doesn't get in my way, or doesn't force on me anything. Heck, I don't even have Windows on any of my machines and I'm still alive!
  • 2
    @rEaL-jAsE that really depends on what you're playing. For me all of my games work as they should and the only one game I am missing is Resident Evil 5. Heck, some work better under Wine than on Windows 10. Like for example original Mafia game ran better for me on Linux.
    I'm also not saying that everything works, but ProtonDB and WineDB is your friend.

    @irene well, generally the Windows 10 is not polished enough, yet someone uses it.
  • 1
    @irene no, I genuinely like using macOS and it is not a Linux distro.

    I also loved using Windows 7 (also the only Windows that wasn't broken at start and didn't required immediate Service Pack), but with only one year of support, it isn't smart move to stay on it.

    Heck, I even liked Windows 8/8.1 because they were both really quick. True, you had to get your own Start Menu, but on Windows 10 you really have to "get your own" everything. Even the calculator takes ages to load!
  • 1
    Linux is a Kernel, not an OS.
    (I love GNU/Linux just saying)

    By the way I love most OSs, because each usually good for a specific userbase.

    I may not prefer all for personal usage.

    Grabs popcorn...
  • 0
    @athlon BTW Window 7 is Vista with new branding.

    It was more successful because manufacturers made drivers during Vista time, and hardware was stronger by the time 7 was released.
  • 2
    @adamluzsi yeah. I actually think that Vista with SP2 is also a very good OS.
  • 0
    - less bureaucrats use computers so the relative part of linux users grow. On the other hand we return to use faxes and mail.
    - windows 11 will be linux distro, but it is never released
    - something worse than js rise
  • 0
    @irene what did you feel was missing to use it as a daily driver?
  • 1
    @irene I guess that depends on what you'd define as polished. I think xfce doesn't look as polished/nice but KDE plasma looks like damn son in my opinion.
  • 0
    @irene Your opinion* ;P
  • 0
    @knurek123 just because majority of people smoke, doesn't mean it's good!
  • 0
    @irene what kind of support?
  • 0
    @irene Gotcha! That makes sense, I mean there's no use to have it as your daily driver if it fails basic tasks. Personally, I haven't had this experience, but I sure as hell would have done the same if I were you.
  • 0
    @irene try elementary os
  • 0
    @irene because linux is a nice distro ^^
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