
I need to work on a mysql project for university but i know nothing about it,

Can you tell where is it deployed for production purpose, like mongo DB stuff can be deployed on heroku

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    @FilipeRamalho I mean it is definitely possible to deploy on Azure, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone
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    If your running mysql, you can run it as part of the server as another application - just install mariadb,

    Or you can use a cloud server dedicated to the dbs, depending on what you’re doing.
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    @KasperNS Why not ? Wouldn't you recommend, because there are better DB applications or because of Azure ?
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    @FilipeRamalho Because of Azure. I'm currently studying CS, and for the past 6 months we've been developing dotnet core hosted on Azure, and it has been straight up hell.

    In my spare time I've started learning docker, AWS and k8s, and it's just so much mure mature. My favorite problem I had with Azure SQL, is that at one point, I couldn't see my tables. Not only would they not show up in the web portal, not even manual queries would get them to show up. I mean my application still worked, but I was always going in blind
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    @KasperNS I use Azure sometimes and never had any kind of problems with it. You can use Docker in combination with Azure. I prefer anyways using my own VPS if it isn't large-scale.

    What do you use in Azure ?
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    @FilipeRamalho For now I've only just hosted a Web App + SQL, but I've just had so many problems with Microsoft, that anytime I can get away with not using a product of theirs I'll happily do it.
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    @KasperNS I can't know for sure from where you're problems come from, but I'm sure that Azure is a great service and that they definitely know what they're doing. With Azure it is easier then ever to deploy applications of any kind and to connect to development to production. Atleast that's what I experienced.

    Did you try to use Containers in Web App ?
    There are also other DB Options in Azure that might work better. And I would recommend using an actual application and not the web interface.
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    @FilipeRamalho Azure is a bit like owning a Peugeot. Some cars can go 20 years, and only need to have their oil changed every once in a while. But the majority of their cars have all kinds of problems, and break down every 2 years.

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone have just a few problems with Azure. Either it's like you, where you don't experience any problems at all, or else you just get a shitload of trouble thrown your way. I've now been working with docker on DigitalOcean, and SQL on RDS for quite a few months, and can't recall any huge problems, that wasn't caused by my own stupidity
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    @FilipeRamalho thanks, i would have a look at them 🤗
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