
As a developer should you use spaces in folder and or file names? Please elaborate on both why and why nots.

  • 4
    You should never do this.
    Doesn't matter if dev or not.
  • 0
    @metamourge are folders okay with spaces? Some software throw spaces in folder names when they automatically create folders.
  • 7
    It's not so much that it is not okay, you can just save yourself a lot of future headaches, by not having neither files nor folders with spaces in them. Personally I spend a lot of time in the command line, and having spaces in any name is a hell sent
  • 0
    @KasperNS ah makes sense especially if using command lines. Thanks
  • 1
    I purposefully use white space in lots of places I want to make sure can support spaces. Something should never brake because of spaces. That said, I frequently name files snake_case or kebab-case cause I’m trained to do that, or it’s just the name of my project
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