Does anybody know how can someone post a "good" question on Stackoverflow without having these bunch of programmers that say YOUR QUESTION WAS ALREADY ANSWERED FROM SOMEBODY IN ANOTHER GALAXY

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    well that's kinda: how do you post a "good" answer without having these little bastards commenting on it like:

    "awful idea"

    "that's the worst thing you can do"

    "this is worst case scenario"

    "that's the worst advice"

    "you would consume 1kb more RAM than doing this BS"

    granted, some answers are really bad, but I see these a lot, those guys like to be trashing hyperbolic just because
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    Fuck hate SO users bashing up OP for not knowing sometging.
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    @JhonDoe i think its just because of human psychology and mentality to show hate towards others for no specific reason and idk why it gives us pleasure
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    In the body, at the top of the question, point all the similar questions that you can find and point out why it's not the right one that you're looking for.
    Then proceed with your details.
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    @h4xx3r I tried that. I was flagged duplicate of a duplicate of a question COMPLETELY UNRELATED, none of which had answers or relevance.
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