
I wish the clients didnt force us to add their people to the team. I would understand if they wanted them to learn something but most of the time they just mess up our work and refuse to cooperate. Whats the point in that? You want it done right let us do our job.

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    That's barbaric.
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    this literally happened to me at work
    "can I have FTP access?"
    C: "why?"
    "because I need to access backend CSS files"
    C: "can't you just override it with a new stylesheet?"
    "no because your developers were overriding another sheet with !important on everything and I can't override their override"
    C: "sorry I cant hand it over. my developers told me not to give it to you. by the way, I need this done this afternoon"
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    @KyleSoBold I had the exact same issue. The girl from the client who was handling css was even overriding bootstrap classes with important. It was a huge mess.
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