I hate when people give me shit for using a Mac. You can use whatever you prefer, let me use what I like.

  • 6
    Probably poor people full of envy. I'm on that team.
  • 7
    lol I get the same crap from mac users for using windows. I use all OS and never understood the hate.
  • 8
    Well haters gonna hate. I use mac for developing while windows for gaming. Its just a matter of using the right/preferred tool for a task.
  • 0
    I use both Mac and Windows equally. I think OSs have come a long way and they are all really good
  • 2
    Take shit again, use Linux 😮
  • 0
    I use Linux for certain tasks, use Windows for certain tasks, and do not use MacOS ( not yet anyway). but it to each there own presence.
  • 6
    Windows? Ha! You should be using Mac!
    Mac? That's just a horrible molestation of unix. Use Linux dude!
    You call that Linux? That's not Linux, that's Ubuntu. Learn Arch, noob!
    Arch? Pft, I use Gentoo....

    The list goes on!
  • 1
    I'll only say something if you then complain about your student loan debt.

    That 2k applied to the principal will save you like a massive amount of money over the repayment term
  • 0
    One word, Xamarin.
  • 1
    there is a bug in this world, everyone lose their shit because people are doing what they want to do 😒
  • 0
    be cool and use OS2
  • 3
    I use Windows for gaming,
    I use Linux for servers, programming etc.
    I use Mac for... Nothing
  • 1
    @Linux That's totally fine
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