
When you get a high profile client, but they have already made technical decisions such as using PHP

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    What's the project about?
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    @Jilano Or they just use the same thing they used 20 years ago
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    @cursee Essentially, a timeline feed for property listings that evaluates different interests for ads :/
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    @Jilano All they know about PHP is that Facebook used PHP. They don't even know what role the technology plays in typical web systems. To them it's the language of the web
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    @MoonOwl if you have to decide, what will be the best language to meet that requirements?
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    @cursee Technically, ang language would do but I would have chosen something in the ML family to cut down on what would need to be tested. I eventually decided upon using Haxe and compiling to PHP. It's a cheap compromise. I will give them their source code in Haxe and they can decide if they care about the output PHP. That way, if another developer comes along and the project needs to be ported to say, Node.js, it would be trivial to do so. Besides, I refuse to write any more PHP in my life unless I really have to.
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    @cursee it's also not about the language per se but rather the basis for their decision.
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    @MoonOwl thank you for the answers 😁 I just wanna know more about the nature of project.
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