
Is Dropbox safe to use? They had big security problems back then. I don't want to use Google Drive so Dropbox is one alternative. I want to be sure that this is not a mistake tho. Opinions?

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    Nothing is safe to use unless it's open source and you host it yourself. And even then it's not safe either
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    @inaba I dont have the time and nerves to selfhost everything. Also I disagree with this statement. You can still have things secure even if they are not self hosted. Cryptography is a thing. I am just trying to find other options.
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    Dropbox is safe enough. But... What kind of safety do you want to have? To be sure that noone touches your files? If you consider storing the files in a cloud, than most providers are equally safe. You can add another level of "safety" by storing files in encrypted form.
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    @mt3o I was thinking about something similar to what mega.co.nz does regarding encryption.
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    There are virtual filesystem's that can be used for public clouds so the provider cannot see anything.
    One example is BoxCryptor (free for personal use, I don't know what languages are supported besides German, have not tested).
    If you are using Linux, you could save an encrypted Ecryptfs in Dropbox.
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    Unless your threat model include state adversaries, any reputable cloud offering (Dropbox, Google Drive etc...) is good enough.

    You can always encrypt your files before uploading them for added security if you are extra paranoid.

    Just don't use any cloud offering as your only backup. Too many people do that mistake. Follow the 3-2-1 backup strategy.
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    @Fradow Its less of a backup more of an accessability thing. Uni docs so that I can access them whereever I am, from phone, laptop, at home at friends house etc. For backup I have external HDD's at different locations n stuff.
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    Just gets NAS it will beat any other option regarding security if you set it up well
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    @wiwe2210 Hmm yeah which one tho. I am not such a big fan of the WD Cloud things.
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    @Kyu96 would personally recommend Synology
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    So the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H. big.at only uses Dropbox to distribute their shitty plans .so Dropbox is safe. Really!
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    Why not you first encrypt them and then upload 🤔
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    what about keybase
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