
Database operation wordpress plugin

Project Type
Open source project

Add more feature to the existing plugin features

Completed the first revision for this Wordpress database plugin with little features such as querying and displaying wordpress database tables, I would like more elaborate and streamlined features to add to the stack, some ideas are recorded as issues on the github link below.

Tech Stack
wordpress API, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS

Current Team Size


  • 0
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    Finding people for working voluntarily on a wordpress project will be difficult
  • 2
    Please use the right category
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    @Floydian to be honest this mistagging is understandable for me because several things might have happened:
    1. devRant might have saved it incorrectly (exiting a draft and reentering it can have some weird behaviors)
    2. The web version does not have the option to create a project. For a web only user I can see why it is created like it is.

    It has the exact same template as a regular project except the bold texts. So let's say devRant did not have a bug during creating it, OP took the effort to copy the exact template from another project. This would tell us that he/she is not using the app but indeed using the web version. (copy paste is impossible in the app).
    - OP took the effort to at least fill in all information.
    - OP is using the webversion which is unable to make projects.

    So no we cannot blame this user for trying his best to fit in. If he/she had written a complete post on it without the template I might have thought differently.
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    @git-fuckyou please read my comment to floydian. It might give you insights on what happened.
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