
So I was strolling around some open source project on GitHub, this particular one had thousands of issues. A lot of them were closed by the maintainer with comments like "I can't reproduce it", "It's working fine for me", "Pretty sure you have some bad configurations on your machine", et cetera, smh

  • 3
    I’ve come across a situation like that, it can be frustrating. However, and not saying this is your case, but there are a lot of people that are horrible at creating even a simple “steps to reproduce” checklist or posting their environment details to help others reproduce the issue.
  • 2
    While I agree with the problem as a whole, I really feel replication steps or even a test case that exhibits the problem in question is really important. Github issues are as good as Bugzilla or any other bug trackers, where the first question is, how do you reproduce the issue, what environment was setup when the issue was seen, etc.,
  • 0
    I hate this! One of the things package managers should look into is blacklisting developers to block the view of their products and any dependent on them. A similar pet peave is when you are on Reddit and after you have described a problem with a product, someone chimes in claiming the flaws are tolerable because the product can't be perfect and they themselves are happy with it. I silently say: MF it's not about you if it doesn't affect you!
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    It's a sign that the dev is either incompetent or a dick.

    Incompetent because the question isn't "can I reproduce", that's nonsense, especially with multithreading. The question is whether there is any code path that might go wrong with the use case. The code should have proper error messages / diagnostics anyway so that it's easy to see what went wrong.

    Or the project is not intended for other people, then "works for me" is fine, but then it's a dick move to put shit code on Github without a fat warning.
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