
I do this a lot to my engineering colleagues to teach them the value of leaving their machines open when they head out. Everytime I see a machine left open, I mess up whatever is on the screen.

One such time, I had a colleague leave their facebook timeline open. I got in, put up a weird status about working upside down like a bat, changed gender preference, messaged a hate message to partner of they made them feel little and useless in life and then sort of breaking up and then unfriending them.

I wanted to change their account's email and password, but I didn't have enough time. The partner thing worked instantly. They called them up and asked them WTF was wrong with them. They knew it was someone else and came running back to the office. Maybe, I should've done the partner thing at the end?

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    Bragging about being a huge cunt?

    What a world we live in.

    It's one thing to change the wallpaper and shit, but that's just being a cunt.
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    @Stuxnet Think again the next time you leave your machine open. Who knows whether there'll be a _cunt_ just like me around you?
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    @shine I almost never leave my machine unattended, let alone unlocked.

    Doesn't change the fact that you crossed the line by sending a message to someone. That's just being a huge cunt. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @Stuxnet I admit. I crossed a line by messaging someone privately.

    Again, like I said, I only mess around with whatever is on the screen in front of me. I don't go outside of it.

    The chat box was open, I typed in a few messages. Of course, it should've hurt.

    And I had to literally talk and apologize to the partner for them to understand that it was only a prank and that the person wasn't serious about whatever I had typed in.
  • 3
    Are you on the spectrum? Literally no-one can be this oblivious to social-standards and common decency

    we used to change our friends wallpaper to a dick drawn in MS Paint when they left the room, you are just being a complete retard
  • 1
    @simpleJack Social skills of many members in this community are pretty shitty, but this is an entirely new level.

    Like Jesus Christ that's not a prank at all.
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    Yikes. You know, you're literally the reason people can't leave their computers unattended... Becoming what you're warning about, that's some movie villain shit right there. Not saying you're a bad person, but you're acting like a cunt.
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    Mate, two things
    1) wk37 is long past.
    2) This is just r/trashy
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    Who do you think you are, giving yourself the right to teach others what they should and shouldn't do?
  • 2
    You are an absolutely trashy person for endangering someone's personal relationships because you they "left their machine unlocked".

    Seriously, I hope I never have to work with you. I don't know if I could stop myself from beating you up.
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