If a girl drops a tear the whole world wonder, but when a guy drops a tear, no one even bother.

  • 1
    Yep, this is epic
  • 0
    Who is trolling us with this cringe account?
  • 1
    hit or miss
    I guess they never miss huh
    You got a boyfriend i bet he doesnt kiss ya (mwah)
  • 0
    Shit jus realized this coulda be a sick rap

    So lean on my shoulder an tell me whats wrong brother
    We gon take on tha whole world together
    Iffy niggas pull you down, cut that tether
    We gon not give up, never ever
  • 0
    @Jilano rap has like 0 to do with Texas. And meat love sounds like the gayest thing in the world.
  • 0
    Not true in my experience but then again, where I'm from people have enough self-respect not to cry in public or around strangers.
  • 0
    @Jilano why tha fuck is tha nigga meat lover ctfu
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