
My client is offering me onsite project with 6 months of employmentship/contract/internship in Germany(munich)🍻
He is going to provide me flat, desk, macbook and transportation but final amount is not decided yet.
What all things I should consider while negotiating.
I'm so excited for this offer but no idea what should be expected salary and compensation over there.πŸ€”
Ps: I have experience of 2 years in JavaScript development and I worked with him from almost beginning of my career.

Also shall I start learning germany or dutch?πŸ€”

  • 8
    I suppose you won't get far with Dutch here :). Learning German will definitely be helpful - most people do speak English quite well, but you never know.

    Other than that... where are you from?

    Some generic advice:

    The beer's quite strong, so drink slow.

    You can get into trouble even for very small amounts of weed, so don't have any with you (basically, even fractions of a gram. Even one joint can get you into court, though usually not to prison).

    Don't bring your gun if you have one. There recently was an American on the airport who didn't know that and got arrested.

    It's illegal to openly carry items that look like guns (Airsoft, toy guns, etc.).

    Some people are quite paranoid about coders in public places, you may end up having the police ask you what you're doing.

    Also, remember to drive on the right side of the road and, in general, 10 km/h over the limit. Only tourists and stoners do the speed limit.
  • 5
    Congratulations how did you find this fortunate offer? πŸ™‚

    The average developer salery in Germany is 59'800 Euro per year or €5000/m. In comparison the general median income in germany is €1772 a month.

    Since you're an intern you'll likely get paid by minimum wage. That's 8 euros an hour. Since Munich is the most expensive city in Germany you should get more. So something like 1650 euros a month seems reasonable.

    And yes if you accept, learn some german for ordering beer and thank you and so on. Maybe visit a goethe institute.

    also after six months you should ask if you can stay and absolve a Berufslehre (Apprenticeship).

    Good Luck!
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    @ilPinguino I'm from India...
    Thx for beer advice, I'll keep that in mind πŸ˜…
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    @heyheni I'm not sure if I'll be interning or will be employee.
    My client told me that he'll use the way which is easier for them to get me there...

    How did I manage to get this? We are working together on various projects for last 2 years so we already have kind of good bonding and he is already aware of my skills...
  • 3
    @oztek if you'll be doing work that will end up in production, you won't really be an intern, so I guess the possibilities are contractor or employee.
    You should probably earn closer to the median income, but if you're being provided with housing and other facilities, that would need accounting for.
  • 3
    @oztek cool! πŸ‘

    If you consider it. Go talk to your mother she should teach you how to cook some of your favourite food. There are indian restaurants in munich but they're expensive. So homesickness could get expensive.
    Also it would be a great way to win friends by inviting them to cook at your place.

    also a great way to make your friends and family envy you is to visit the swiss alps where many bollywood movies are shoot. It takes about 3-4 hours by bus and about 20 euros by flixbus.de πŸ˜„
  • 5
    Dutch is only spoken in the Netherlands while German is spoken in Germany (d'oh), Austria and parts of Switzerland. A German speaker cannot even understand Dutch without learning it.

    German has dialects. Most courses offer "standard German", but that is only spoken as such in Northern Germany. In Munich, the Bavarian dialect is spoken, and it will be hard for a non-native speaker to understand. Also, German is quite a bitch to learn as foreign language.

    English is widespread in tech, but not so much elsewhere beyond very basic communication.

    The hint with weed was correct, and especially the federal state Bavaria (Munich being its capital city) is very strict on any illegal substance.

    Never use public transport without ticket, it's a (small) criminal offence in Germany, not only a minor breach. You'll be fined 60 EUR and be reported to the police.
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    Note: While they want to change this, the 60 EUR fine also applies to just entering the station terminals without a ticket.

    And yeah, outside of munich, the dialect gets hard to understand even for native speakers.
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    @oztek wowo .. congratulations bro... i am indian too.. i like this kind of news from an fellow indian.. for inspiration XD
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    @AurthurM srry my for vowel mistake lul
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    @Fast-Nop @ilPinguino thanks.
    Today I found out that one developer from their company was charged 1000€ for saying something while testimony. So yeahh I'll read about important lawsuits if the deal is finalized.
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    On the topic of dialect: I've lived in Munich my whole life and almost never hear someone speak Bavarian, also a majority here can't speak Bavarian, thus you won't really need it. Might be different for some of the older neighborhoods (e.g. Lehel, I guess) though.
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    @alexThunder @Redders @heyheni

    So I am being offered 1700 eur/Month + accommodation + transport.

    Is that reasonable or I should negotiate for more?
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    @oztek it's as much as i said. Take it.

    If you life very frugal on those €1700 and save like €1000 every month. Do you have a plan what to do with 14 months of an indian income or (€6000) 484'000 rupees back home?
  • 1
    @heyheni who said it's 14 months of income in India?
    It's like 4 to 6 months of income not 14.

    I'm going Europe for 6 months only...
    I'm not planning to save any..

    Will travel all cool places nearby so I'm sure I'll run out of money at the end of the month :p
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    @oztek hey how did it go? πŸ™‚
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    @heyheni hey man, thanks for checking on me.

    It didn't go exactly how I planned in beginning. But from February I'll be full time employee with great salary. So it turned out in my favor and I'm enjoying my stay in Munich so far :)
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    Hey @heyheni

    Finding apartment in Munich is a pain in ass. How much should I expect for 33m2 apartment with kitchen near central munich??

    Also If you are in Munich then let's catch up and have some beer?
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    @oztek I'm swiss living in Zurich.
    But i've took a look at the flat rental prices of munich and a 30sqm 1 room studio costs around €750. on https://www.immobilienscout24.de

    In Germany they advertise rentings as Kalt (Cold) and Warm miete (rent). Kalt miete means the the flat without utilities cost. So always look at the full cost of Warmmiete.

    I would recommend to look on Facebook for Munich Housing groups and expats groups. Where you can directly interact with the renter who wants to leave his (cheap) flat. And it's less competition than on rental websites. As munich seems very sought after. 80 rental listings on immoscout for a 1.5 million city is not much. 😬

    Also you could join a Flatshare. Called Wohngemeinschaft or more commonly called WG
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    @heyheni thanks for all the suggestion, sorry I was off to devRant so didn't look into it before but your mention brought me back.

    I had paid account of immoscout24 with almost 0 luck but then got nice 57m² apartment through recommendation in 1400€ and I'll be subleasing bigger room so it'll cost me 650€ only ✌️

    Also I got permanent position with good salary and everything worked out in favor

    Thanks everyone for suggestions.
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    Π’ΡƒΡ‚ Π²ΠΎΡ‚.
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