
I've gotten started with web dev in the past and learned HTML and CSS and started learning JS but I never could understand what I could use for a code editor to practice and pretty much forgot all of that stuff. Now I'm trying to learn Python, but what's pissing me off is paying for a phone app that doesn't teach you to write code in these lessons, rather interactive multiple choice questions and "put this in the right order". sequences. This is not learning for me, this is informing. Which is info I don't retain. And If i'm paying for it why is there so little to these lessons? Barely covering anything. I've done every lesson Mimo had for python but it didn't really explain the practicality of what it was teaching me and they skipped a lot of shit. Changing the pace of the lesson from Print this and that and heavily explain the most basic stuff 3x over to only explaining the more advanced stuff one fucking time.

I would really like learning python while being walked through a project as a lesson. Teach the terminology, structure, application, process, rinse and repeat, and outcome all in one. With a project target to look forward to. I need a goal to keep my interest.

So far all I know about python is its a programming language used to create Youtube. And I'm trying to learn it because I keep reading that its the recommended starting line. But I need to be able to visualize what this code can be used for. Explanations in terminology I haven't been taught yet just frustrates me. And I read everyone's posts and see many people mention being frustrated, but I haven't even started coding yet. Feel free to comment and redirect me to page that can help. Links are appreciated. Nay, encouraged!

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    Best tutorials are on youtube and theyre free. Throw in a textbook or two and you'll be fine. Udemy is great too just make sure the course is from a proper dev
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    @simpleJack How do i check Udemy for authenticity?
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    @Xarin You don't really. I have a bunch of devs on youtube I watch their videos and I find them to be good so I checked out what Udemy courses they have authored
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    Welcome to DR!
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    Get yourself textbooks if you are serious about learning. For code editors try something cross-platform like Atom, VS Code or Sublime Text. Don't forget to sign up for a Stack Overflow account!
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    I dont really agree with textbooks. Sure they are made very well but at the rate web dev is evolving they can become horribly outdated very quickly
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    For learning new technologies, textbooks are a fail but for learning fundamental concepts about a domain I find them quite comprehensive. An example for me would be an introduction to the lambda calculus for example. I found published texts far more effective in covering the relevant material compared to anything I had watched online. For anything technology specific I only look to textbooks and videos if the official documentation still leaves me confused
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