
So looking at React/Node and all the GitHub projects etc. It seems JS/Node is the current/next big language like Java, C++. Runs on everything, can build anything with it, and is well supported.

Sorta crazy thinking about it though since JS is old and used to be shit used by script kiddies...

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    It still is 😂

    But on Serious note, JS will never be good for large enterprise level projects because maintenance would be a nightmare.
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    @MrCSharp I work for a large Enterprise... We are MEAN... but code looks like shit because we don't have any Senior web dev or standards...
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    People saying JS is shit used by script kiddies don't even know what script kiddies are.

    There are plenty of enterprise size projects with excellent code bases all written in full stack JavaScript. I've seen them and worked on them.

    The historical issues with JavaScript is why a lot of people hate it.

    The fact that it is over utilized for absolutely everything is no fault of the language, no you shouldn't use JavaScript for data science or for writing an operating system or for embedded systems. But using it for the server of a web application? Absolutely why not. It makes perfect sense to want your whole project to be one language and not have to keep flipping between different ones for frontend server and DB.

    And people really need stop hating on languages that have perfectly valid use cases.

    There are plenty of shit programs out there that don't use JavaScript. In fact in the 15 years I've been developing the only real beef I've ever had with JS is nonsensical type errors.
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    @tmpnull how do you maintain it in a team though? My problem is everyone does things their own way and no documentation. And they usually create functions with a lot of inner functions that reference variables in the outer function too...

    And whenever we do need to create a new API, we use a template project... that uses dependencies many years ago.

    When npm install, lots of deprecated warnings but can't randomly upgrade either. We're still using Node 6 too...

    But not too relevant to my post. Reading over the code that's written well lit looks better then a lot of shit we write. But party of it is we can't upgrade and the other part is no one in the team is really a web expert...
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    @M1sf3t this is exactly it. Many people start nowadays through web programming. They begin in front-end using JS and libraries then if they try to graduate to backend there's node.

    This is also why many web developers don't know shit about OO, pointers, memory space, types and memory efficiency.

    But that doesn't make JS bad. A good developer still does wonders.

    And for the record a script kiddie is:
    a person who uses existing computer scripts or codes to hack into computers, lacking the expertise to write their own

    Which is fuck all to do with JavaScript.
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    @billgates you manage it like you would any other language

    1. Agree code standards
    2. Write comments
    3. Don't overuse libraries (this really applies to npm. There's plenty of shit you should just write yourself)

    It's like blaming Java because a C developer isn't used to OO
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    @tmpnull by script kiddie I meant creating messy copy and doing a lot of copy pasting so when anyone else looks at the code the first reaction is: what the hell is this shit?
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    @M1sf3t ? No I've been around all year?
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    @billgates yeah script kiddie is an actual term used in information assurance and cyber security. It's a solid part of any syllabus, that's why I'm being pedantic about its usage.

    A famous script kiddie would be Gary McKinnon. He famously hacked NASA as well as other parts of the US military by using a Perl script that identifies credentials without passwords for authentication. He cause a huge amount of damage and the media made out like he was some kind of hacking God. But everything he used were just downloads. He had no real knowledge of computer network exploitation.
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    @M1sf3t but you see my experience with JS is this:

    1995?- Learns JS exists
    2000- IE JS (Notepad)
    2010- jQuery/PHP (Notepad++)
    2015- AngularJS for work (module.export)
    2018/Now- Learning ReactNative/React (classes, lifecycles, all those other npm dependencies)
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    @MrCSharp a well written JavaScript project can be well maintained if design principles are applied.
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    @Val-mxo and when they aren't because the boss don't know these principles and how to apply/enforce them consistently? And no one else has interest keeping up with the times?
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    @irene check out the stats.
    Thats just plain wrong

    And again: knowing c doesnt automatically make you a superior programmer. Different tools for different jobs
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    @malphas that I agree with. But typescript is somewhat close to C# and it is good because it is strongly typed unlike JS.

    But JS on its own is not a feasible choice for big enterprise level systems. Let's just leave it in front end land... And it might soon be competing with Web Assembly 😏
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    @billgates I simply use jsDocs to document my functions. IDEs can use that to tell you all you need to know about a module without any hassle.
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    @irene the way you talk about people using other languages implies it though.

    Its not 2008 anymore. Js has evolved. Big companies run on js these days. Like it or not.
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    @m0j0nz0r but it's not enforced. Our developers are like kiddy scripters. I was actually the person trying to introducing everyone to jsdocs and trying to get them to use it as well but I'm not the boss, I can't bring down the hammer... If I could I would make a whole lot of changes to how the team works...
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    Accept or not node js is the best backend solution for 90% of projects.i can hear .net/spring fans are cryin.cry more
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    @irene Googles "why is node better than .Net" ... Copies answer, pastes here 🤣
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