
**Evolution of Cursee's Search Queries**

Chronological orders from 2007 to 2018

- internet not working
- wifi not working
- wifi not working on ubuntu
- wifi not working on ubuntu XX.xx
- install wifi driver ubuntu XX.xx
- install Realtek rtl88xxxx on ubuntu Xx.xx

  • 6
    @Alice I’m afraid to ask for context
  • 5
    @Alice was expecting to see "boobs" every year. You disappointed me :3
  • 4
    @Alice that's not fair 😣
  • 5
    @Alice I'll have after i get married 😏
  • 4
    @Jilano not really an Ubuntu issue 😁 just an example I picked. I used to search with vague terms and eventually learn how to search to get right solutions using precise and correct keywords.
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