can you guys look at the design of my app?


kinda ugly imo.

also please fuck around and find bugs.


ps it's my first flutter app

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    also it crashes when you toggle a definition really fast
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    ios user here; some screenshots please 🙂
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    @heyheni i'll compile for ios when i can afford to get the dev certificate
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    'bout to check out the testing version, but quick question, have you tried react-native b4? and if so, did you find flutter easier?
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    @digitaldina i haven't used react native before, but i looked at some samples and i don't like it. flutter is better to develop imo, and it performs better.
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    @calmyourtities I heard that it preforms better. Might try it out for another project. Currently I'm using react-native for a project and I'm finding that there's a big community around it in case I run into an issue, which is usually the determining factor for me when choosing those types of things. Thanks for advice tho!
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    @digitaldina good luck. flutter you don't run into many hard to fix issues, at least for me. there's almost always two ways to do most anything.
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