
I hate documentation ! :/

  • 6
    I love documentation.
    I'm serious.
  • 1
    @Marl3x saaaame, but I don't like the python's one
  • 1
    It's kinda, I love cooking, I hate serving my food.
  • 1
    @ajit555 exactly !!
  • 2
    Humanly readable contextualy structured specs + git commits with reason about the changes + handbook is my favorite way of doing documentation.

    I like to create things in a way that if I'm not able to transfer knowledge during or after development to a new member, at least that person don't feel uncomfortable because the lack of help.
  • 1
    //I hate
  • 0
    @TCPizza u commented it all !!
  • 1
    @R1100 I commented my comment
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